Wintry mix

I believe that was the forecast a few days ago. Which resulted in these snapshots from the environs around my home, beginning with one from the waterfall along my regular bicycling route. (No, I wasn’t on the bike.) Then moving up onto the Appalachian Trail after an ice storm last week. The final photo in… Continue reading Wintry mix

EZ-Find ad campaign: Everyone needs this

Okay, maybe not everyone – but a whole lotta people do. Funny how this project happened; I was talking with a friend who said she needed a beeper to find her favorite coffee mug lost somewhere in her house. I said that would be a pretty good invention and maybe we should get right on… Continue reading EZ-Find ad campaign: Everyone needs this

The artists among us

My acquaintance with Art goes back to when I was a kid. I don’t call myself by his name – like I said we’re acquainted, not necessarily related. There’s also respect on my part; he’s been around a lot longer than me. I think a lot of Art; I hold him in high regard and… Continue reading The artists among us

A paddle on the Potomac

I needed a break yesterday, and so instead of my customary bicycle ride took my canoe to the Potomac River. My launching point was the mouth of the Monocacy River, which flows into the Potomac. I canoed out under the old Monocacy Aqueduct, which once carried the C&O canal over the Monocacy River. I turned… Continue reading A paddle on the Potomac

Making the digital leap

I learned photography in the time when a curious material called “film” was used to gather light to make images. Generations ago people once used glass plates coated with chemicals to do the same thing. Nowadays cameras have digital sensors and few moving parts, and perform amazing feats under virtually any kind of light at… Continue reading Making the digital leap

Fallingwater in the rain

I’ve long wanted to see Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece, and finally had the chance last weekend. It did not disappoint. My only regret is that visitors aren’t permitted to photograph inside the house, which is visually stunning at every turn. So now my new challenge is to find a way to get permission –… Continue reading Fallingwater in the rain

Stained glass, my secret other

“My secret other” is a bit misleading since I was deeply immersed in stained glass through most of my 20s. In those days it was more of a secret that I also loved photography and writing. But I hadn’t yet found my voice writing and kept beating around the edges of photography, rarely having access… Continue reading Stained glass, my secret other